Anna y Lourdes

II elloH

Some tips to keep in mind as you read & write.  

1)  Remember we are all learning here!  You will see mistakes in each other's writing.  Learn from them!

2)  Try to include 2 or 3 questions for your ePal in each exchange to keep the conversation going.

3) Use different colors to keep track of who is who.

4) You can also share images/photos to illustrate your contributions.

5)  Always remember to click on "edit" to make changes and "save" to not lose any work!


1st exchange: introduce yourself (in English)


Hello Lourdes! My name is Anna Yuknat and I am 13 years old. I go to Dover-Sherborn Middle School, and I am in the 8th Grade. I have brown hair and green eyes. I have two puppies, and their names are Maggie and Mollie. Do you have any pets?


   <---- son mis perritos


- Anna Y.




2nd exchange: write about your daily routine. (in Spanish)


Mi rutina de la manana:

Yo me levanto y pono la ropa a las 6:00. A las 6:15, me lavo la cara y cepillo el pelo. Yo comer el desayuno y mirar la television a las 6:30. A las 6:50, yo cepillar los dientes, y paquete de mi bolsa para la escuela. Mi autobus de escolar llega a mi casa a las 7:15, y me paseo a mi escuela.


   <---- es mi escuela


- Anna Y.



3rd exchange: write about your likes and dislikes: sports, hobbies, ambitions, etc. (in English)



4th exchange: write about your country/city. Places that are worthwhile to visit, customs, climate, people, food and whatever you think is interesting to share. (in Spanish)



5th exchange: free topichello Anna may n