Aidan y Fransisco

   Aidan & Fransisco


Some tips to keep in mind as you read & write.  

1)  Remember we are all learning here!  You will see mistakes in each other's writing.  Learn from them!

2)  Try to include 2 or 3 questions for your ePal in each exchange to keep the conversation going.

3) Use different colors to keep track of who is who.

4) You can also share images/photos to illustrate your contributions.

5)  Always remember to click on "edit" to make changes and "save" to not lose any work!



1st exchange: introduce yourself (in English)

Hi Fransisco, my name is Aidan Britt. I am from Dover Massachusetts and I am 13 years old. I have one brother named Ryan and one sister named Caitlin. We were all born on the same day making us triplets. I also look forward to talking to you and getting to know you and your culture better. I also would like to know how big your family is and what your favorite food is. 


-Aidan B


 Hi Aidan. I live in Rosario, and i am 13 years old. My favourite food is HAMBURGER! jaja. I am one brother named Jeremias and one sister named Faustina. My brother is crazy. My favourite color is blue.


-Francisco A.






2nd exchange: write about your daily routine. (in Spanish)



  Mi rutina es:
  Los lunes a la mañana me despierto, desayuno, me pongo la ropa de la escuela y me voy. Despues de la escula voy a natación.

  Los martes hago lo mismo solo que despues de la escuela voy a ingles.

  El miercoles natacion y el jueves ingles.

  Para mi el mejor dia es le viernes porque empieza el fin de semana y tambien es porque no tengo nada despues de la escuela.


 -Francisco A.

Por la mañana me despierto ducha lavo los dientes se visten y hacer mi pelo. Luego yo voy al escuela. Después de la escuela yo voy a mi casa. Duespues yo comer los deberes de la cena y luego ir al hockey. Esa es mi rutina completa.







3rd exchange: write about your likes and dislikes: sports, hobbies, ambitions, etc. (in English)


I like to play Hockey, Baseball and I also like to run. Some of my hobbies include Running, going to the gym, photography, and traveling. Some things I don't like are seafood, getting blood drawn at the doctors, and grocery shopping. Some things I do like to do are seeing movies with my friends, going to sporting events, chicken parmesan, and watching television. I would also like to know what your favorite football team is and who your favorite player is.   


-Aidan B








4th exchange: write about your country/city. Places that are worthwhile to visit, customs, climate, people, food and whatever you think is interesting to share. (in Spanish)


Hola, la mayoría de gente en Rosario es buena. Hay muchos edificios y muchas casas.


5th exchange: free topic.