Amy y Valentina

Some tips to keep in mind as you read & write.  

1)  Remember we are all learning here!  You will see mistakes in each other's writing.  Learn from them!

2)  Try to include 2 or 3 questions for your ePal in each exchange to keep the conversation going.

3) Use different colors to keep track of who is who.

4) You can also share images/photos to illustrate your contributions.

5)  Always remember to click on "edit" to make changes and "save" to not lose any work!


1st exchange: introduce yourself (in English)


Hello Valentina!

My name is Amy. I am 13 years old and am in 8th grade. I live in Dover and go to Dover Sherborn Middle School. My favorite subject is math. What is yours?I live with my sister Iona, my mom, and my dad. I do not have any pets but I really want a dog. If I were to get a dog, I would get a havenese. Do you have any pets? Do you have any siblings? Do you like your school?        

This is what havenese dogs look like.


Yes I love sports!! My favorite is swimming but I also like soccer and football. You are so lucky to have 6 (or 4, I did not fully understand how many dogs you have) dogs!!!!! What type (breed) are they? I also like gym but we have to run a mile and I hate doing that. Do you like running? How old is your brother?      

Hi Amy! My name is Valentina I am 12 years old. 

I live in Rosario, Argentina. My favorite subject is P E. I live with my mother, my father and my Brother. I have got six dogs. 


What type of dogs are they? How old is your brother? Do you like hanging out with him?


2nd exchange: write about your daily routine. (in Spanish)


Me despierto a las 6:00, pero levanto a las 6:20. Me lavo la cara, me pongo la ropa, y me cepillo el pelo. Como desayuno a las 6:30. Despues, me cepillo los dientes a las 6:45 y pongo mi mochila y mi caja de almuerzo. Miro mi telefono celular y camino a la parada de autobus de la escuela. A las 6:55, El autobus de la escuela llega. La escuela termina a las 2:15. 


Cuando tu escuela termina?


Me despierto a las 9 de la mañana y me voy a bañar, luego me lavo los dientes. Después tomo mi desayuno, y me voy a tomar el colectivo. Tomo el colectivo a las 12:30 y llegó a mi escuela a las 12:50.


3rd exchange: write about your likes and dislikes: sports, hobbies, ambitions, etc. (in English)


I like...

To swim, ski, dance. jump on giant trampolines, hangout with friends, to babysit, play piano, read, baking,China, eat chocolate, and grilled cheese sandwiches. I sometimes like to write. My favorite color is blue and I like all the seasons.

What's your favorite color? Do you play an instrument? What's your favorite sport? Do you play any sports?

I dislike...

Fizzy drinks (I don't know why), spicy food, baseball, running.

I like...

To dance, play volleyball, and swim.

I like chinesse food, and I like watch "the walking dead". 


Oh my gosh!!!! I love chinese food and I love zombies and the walking dead.



4th exchange: write about your country/city. Places that are worthwhile to visit, customs, climate, people, food and whatever you think is interesting to share. (in Spanish)


Mi ciudad es hermosa, tiene un montón parques grandes y muchos shoppings. Los edificios son altos y grandes, son impresionantes. 

El clima ahora está inestable, llueve y sale el sol. A mi me gusta mucho este clima. 

La gente en muy amable, y es muy divertida. Siempre que necesitas algo te ayuda. 


Vivo en un pueblo muy pequeno pero Boston esta cerca de Dover. Hay muchos museos que puedes visitar. Los museos es de ciencias y arte. Puedes comprar muchos cosas en los centros comercial. Boston es muy bonita porque es cerca del mar. ¡Es muy divertido!


5th exchange: free topic.